Beginning of School Year Letter
For information on the requirement of the MCV4 booster shot, a vaccination against meningococcal disease, please click HERE.
If you want to know more about different vaccines your child should receive, please click HERE.
Medication Form - form must be completed and given to school in order for school personnel to supervise/assist in administering medication
Clinic Record Form-form must be completed at the beginning of the school year.
Those students that will be entering the 6th grade need to either have a Scoliosis Form #4400 filled out by a physician or parents fill out the opt out section and send the forms back the first week of school. Those that do not fill out this form will be screened for scoliosis when we do our mass screening the beginning of next year.
Those students that will be entering the 8th grade need to either have a Scoliosis Form #4400 filled out by a physician or parents fill out the opt out section and send the forms back the first week of school. Those that do not fill out this form will be screened for scoliosis when we do our mass screening the beginning of next year. There will be a packet going home with all current 7th graders in the next week with information about this along with a form #4400.
Those entering the 7th and 11th grade next school year will need an updated Immunization form #3231. It will be necessary for parents to take their child to either their primary care provider or local health department for the vaccinations. A copy can be brought into the school or this information can be obtained by the nurse from the Georgia Registry of Immunizations.
If you have any questions about either the scoliosis or immunizations requirements set forth by the Department of Public Health, please contact the middle high school nurse at 229-937-0560